Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Responsibility for your own actions???

One thing to remember about all this (as I posted in a previous blog entry a while ago)...

Had things been allowed to play out normally when I put in my resignation, this blog probably would have never been created. I tried to do the right thing by meeting with the CEO and give plenty of notice when I resigned. I didn't want to cause any scheduling problems and just wanted to say goodbye to everyone and end of as much of a positive note as I could (and "get the hell out of dodge"). Instead, the coordinator decided the night before my early morning class to just take away all my classes and let me know via an email. They tried to keep things quiet and hide what was really going on but I'm not the type of person to let that happen when I'm wronged. I tried to contact the CEO and see if he really wanted things to go down like that but he never responded so I began the blog.

It's a shame things happened as they did and they certainly could have been prevented. I recently found out that the previous coordinator was given all kinds of hell for hiring me (4 years after the fact) because of this blog. I put in 4 years of teaching and brought in clients, helped keep clients, had well attended classes, and went out of my way to offer up special classes of all kinds. Never once was I told I was doing a bad job or needed to work on something. Then, after I felt I was treated wrong (after resigning) and spoke out about it, the former coordinator was reprimanded for ever hiring me... Uh, what the hell??? I wish people would take responsibility for their own actions and not blame others once in a while! Perhaps the management involved in all this should take a step back and look at how things were handled and realize that not everyone will be a passive quiet mouse!

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